What is Coaching?
The Office for Academic Affairs offers in-house coaching to faculty to support their career development. Coaching is partnership between the Coach and the Faculty member in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the faculty to maximize personal and professional potential.
It is faculty centered.
It is present and future oriented.
It is a space to ask powerful questions that are designed to move the faculty member forward overcoming blocks and limiting beliefs.
It is time limited.
It is driven by outcomes and action.
Coaching vs. Counseling
Coaching is not counseling. Counseling, or psychotherapy, is often about healing deep emotional issues, usually arising from the past.
Coaching also differs from consulting.
Coaching vs. Consulting
Consulting is about advising, giving suggestions and/or information. Consultants tell the faculty member what to do. In coaching, the coach supports the faculty member in developing their own strategies and plan